Coordinates, directs (both air and ground) and de-conflicts air traffic

  • FAA certified Air Traffic Controllers
  • Air-ground long range capable ATC radios, beacons and other marking equipment

Establishes, operates and closes temporary helicopter and fixed wing aircraft Landing Zones

  • *6 man team can identify, assess and establish a non-pre-existing Landing Zone
  • Possess day-time and night-time airfield marking equipment
  • Completely self-sufficient without resupply for 72 hours
  • Marshalls ground traffic, provides and enforces parking plan, coordinates refuel and equipment/patient trans-loading
  • Primarily used for patient transfer, mass citizen evacuation and emergency/disaster equipment air-transportation
HLZ est & patient transfer, Hurricane Harvey
LZ Control/Mass Citizen Evac, Hurricane Irma
HWY HLZ est & control, Hurricane Katrina
Austere Airfield Control, U.S. training