The 123d Special Tactics Squadron (STS) has the distinction of being the first STS in the Air National Guard (ANG). It traces its beginnings to when the Kentucky Air National Guard transitioned from a Tactical Reconnaissance Wing flying RF-4s, to a military airlift wing with C-130 cargo-type aircraft in 1988. The unit has remained busy since its inception and has been involved in every major conflict involving the U.S. military. Their current mission sets are: Personnel Recovery (search and rescue), Global Access (airfield seizure/air traffic control) and Precision Strike (close air support).

Comprised of Pararescue, Combat Control, Survive Evade Resist Escape (SERE) specialists, Combat Mission Support: Combat Arms, Radio Maintenance, Vehicle Maintenance, Aircrew Flight Equipment, Supply, Medical Logistics.

Natural Disaster Response

  • Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Katrina, Maria, Rita.
  • During Hurricane Katrina, the unit conducted the second largest non-combatant evacuation in U.S. history, with over 10,000 civilians evacuated.
  • Non-combatant evacuation of over 1000 people from St. Maarten
  • Eastern KY flood response: 19 rescues, 4 recoveries, 19 helicopter missions.
  • Immediate search and rescue team response to Tornadoes in Mayfield, KY

Federal response: Involved in every major combat operation since 9/11

  • Combat Special Operations missions conducted throughout the Middle East, Africa, Central America, Europe, and the Pacific region.
  • Augmented other special operations forces for direct action/search and rescue.
  • Multiple training exercises with partner forces Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia.
  • 5 x Trans-Atlantic rescue escort missions for AFSOC.
  • Small unit exchanges with strategically selected countries across the globe.

Awarded Kentucky Governor’s Outstanding Unit Citation by Gov Beshear

2 Air Force Crosses, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 1 Airmen’s Medal, 35 Bronze Stars